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NeighborWorks America

999 North Capitol Street NE • Suite 900 • Washington, DC 20002
NeighborWorks America's Photo


NeighborWorks America creates opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities.


Through NeighborWorks and its partnerships, America is a nation of vibrant communities all are proud to call home.

Our Core Values

In the way we conduct business at NeighborWorks America and relate to people both internally and externally, we will seek always to embrace the following values:

  • Results: We are accountable for achieving excellence through measurable, impactful outcomes.
  • Integrity: We foster an environment of transparency and honesty that is built on respect and openness.
  • Community: We seek locally driven solutions that incorporate the views of our various stakeholders and audiences, building on diversity as a strength, and working in partnership with others to achieve results.
  • Effectiveness: We are resourceful. responsible stewards, leveraging resources to maximize impact.

Our 5-year Strategic Goals (2012-2016)

  • Goal 1: NeighborWorks America creates and preserves housing opportunities that are sustainable and affordable.
  • Goal 2: NeighborWorks America advances comprehensive community development and resident engagement to achieve positive community impact.
  • Goal 3: Neighborworks America supports a Network of Excellence of strong, sustainable NeighborWorks organizations that collectively leverage expertise and effective business models.
  • Goal 4: NeighborWorks America strengthens the knowledge, skills, and effectiveness of the community development and affordable housing field.
  • Goal 5: NeighborWorks America optimizes its organizational performance to achieve its strategic goals.

In the work that we do, we commit to the following operating principles:

  • Build and maintain the strength of our leadership, the skills and motivation of staff, and the effectiveness of our network.
  • Promote active engagement of and leadership by residents as an essential ingredient in all aspects of strengthening communities.
  • Employ and promote green and sustainable practices for the long-term benefit of residents and communities.
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The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) 

Offers no cost, confidential business management consulting services to support potential and existing businesses in SD.

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GROW South Dakota

GROW South Dakota
104 Ash Street East
Sisseton, SD  57262
Phone (605) 698-7654
Fax (605) 698-3038