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Citi Foundation

701 East 60th St N • Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Citi Foundation's Photo

The Citi Foundation supports the economic empowerment and financial inclusion of low- to moderate-income people in communities where Citi operates. We work collaboratively with a range of partners to design and test financial inclusion innovations with potential to achieve scale and support leadership and knowledge building activities. Through a "More than Philanthropy" approach, we put the strength of Citi's business resources and people to work to enhance our philanthropic investments and help improve communities.

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A Half-Century of Serving South Dakotans

The three nonprofit organizations comprising GROW South Dakota have fulfill a vision of “GROWing sustainable communities through housing, community and economic development.” 

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GROW South Dakota

GROW South Dakota
104 Ash Street East
Sisseton, SD  57262
Phone (605) 698-7654
Fax (605) 698-3038