Our Mission
The Authority is committed to leading the affordable housing industry by our integrity, innovation and financial strength. We are a team of highly motivated individuals dedicated to encouraging the prudent investment of public financing and private capital to stimulate the construction, preservation, rehabilitation, purchase and development of affordable single and multifamily housing and daycare facilities. We are committed to the long-term affordability and feasibility of every project we undertake. Decisions are guided by integrity, research and prudent planning. We seek to minimize risks and maintain a selective, conservative, knowledgeable approach to development.
The South Dakota Housing Development Authority (the "Authority") was created in 1973 by the State Legislature as an independent public instrumentality to exercise essential public functions.
The Authority has traditionally been involved in issuing tax exempt bonds for the purpose of financing and developing both single-family and multifamily mortgage loans; the delivery of housing programs made available through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and the issuance of housing tax credits made available through the US Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service (IRS).